What is the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Patients?
According to Ayurveda , CKD is a disease of MutravahaSrotas (excretory system). A faulty diet (Viruddhahar), & lifestyle factors (ViruddhVihar) disrupts the balance of all the three Doshas (Bio- elements), as well as all the Dushyas (Tissues)of the body, Kapha (Fluid element), is responsible for blocking microvessels and developing microangiopathy. Vata (Air element)is responsible for the degeneration of the microchannels of the kidney i.e. Nephrons. According to Ayurvedic principles of management of the disease, tissue damage can be prevented and repaired by Rasayana therapy (Rejuvenating therapy) because they can improve the qualities of tissues and hence increase the resistance of the tissues. Along with these blockages of microchannels can be removed by Lekhana drugs having a scraping effect on blocked channels. What is the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Patients ? Ayurveda is one of the healing modality which ...