According to Ayurveda, CKD is a disease of MutravahaSrotas(excretory system). A faulty diet (Viruddhahar), & lifestyle factors (ViruddhVihar) disrupts the balance of all the three Doshas(Bio- elements), as well as all the Dushyas(Tissues)of the body, Kapha(Fluid element), is responsible for blocking microvessels and developing microangiopathy. Vata(Air element)is responsible for the degeneration of the microchannels of the kidney i.e. Nephrons. According to Ayurvedic principles of management of the disease, tissue damage can be prevented and repaired by Rasayanatherapy (Rejuvenating therapy) because they can improve the qualities of tissues and hence increase the resistance of the tissues. Along with these blockages of microchannels can be removed by Lekhanadrugs having a scraping effect on blocked channels.
What is the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure Patients?
Ayurveda is one of the healing modality which is effective for preventing and treating kidney disease. Natural Ayurvedic treatment recommends herbal formulations (combined Ayurvedic preparation) of Rasayanafor MutravahaSrotasand it also has a Lekhana(scraping) effect to clear the blocked channels. Varunadikvathis are also helpful to regulate the Kapha(Fluid element) and Vatadoshas(Air element). Niruhabasti(procto-colonic administration of Ayurvedic medicines mainly contained decoction of punarnavadi compound, rocksalt, sesame oil, and a mixture of some herbal powders) is a minor alternative to dialysis. Treatment resulted in a reduction in protein in urine and an increase in hemoglobin. Reduction in edema, weakness, leg cramps, increase in appetite, and relief from nausea, breathlessness, and other related symptoms. Additionally, Panchkarmais the ultimate cleansing therapy to clear out all the toxins by detoxification and restores the body’s innate healing ability. These time-tested herbs with a healthy dietary regimen, Yoga, Pranayama improve the healthy excretory system and along with reducing symptoms of kidney disease.
Faulty dietary regimen and other toxins have to be filtered out by our kidneys. However, if the kidneys fail to do so, these harmful toxins gradually accumulate in our bodies. With time, these accumulations start to hinder the efficient functioning of our kidneys. Best Ayurvedic treatment recommends a natural dietary regimen to maintain healthy kidneys throughout life.
Combination of natural rejuvenating herbs for the kidneys and adrenals which contain the extract of time-tested herbs. The formulation is based on 5000 years old Ayurvedic medical science. This supports the functioning of a healthy kidney along with a healthy urinary flow. It naturally promotes the flushing out of kidney waste. Various herbs have been mentioned in the CharakSamhita, which are useful for repairing the damaged kidney tissue (nephrons).
A personalised diet-chart for the patient is also important to enhance improvement in the disease. The first aim is to identify and eradicate the cause of Kidney Disorders rather than just suppressing the symptoms. Therefore, efforts should be made to diagnose correctly the underlying cause and plan a
personalised and holistic treatment.
The herbs that are important and effective for treating kidney disorders are PunarnavadiMandoor, ChandraprabhaVati, GokshuradiGuggulu.
Certain herbal supplements that are cited below are known for their qualitative efficacy in the Ayurvedic kidney treatment. Renal Care Tablet &P.T.M. 5 (Kidney Care Tablets)are some herbal supplements that have shown exceptionally good results in Kidney.
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